Why Use Natural Skincare?

Your skin is the largest living, breathing organ on your body. Up to 60% of what you apply on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream, which then gets circulated around your whole body. Abiding by an organic skin care routine and using natural skin care products will help your skin feel and look healthier than ever before.

How do you find these natural items and why exactly should you use them?

Responsibly-made products to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what you should look for when purchasing skin care products:

  • Free of harmful chemicals, irritants, or preservatives
  • Non-allergenic
  • Carefully formulated with all natural, organic ingredients
  • GMO-free
  • Never tested on animals
  • Vegan and plant-based

Why should you use them?

For starters Non-organic skin care products contain synthetic, man-made chemicals such as sodium laurel, mineral oils, Laureth sulfate, and toxins that could be residues of pesticides. Studies have also found that they can contain mineral oil, petroleum, parabens, and other chemicals that, with long term use, can cause skin irritation, hormone imbalance, organ toxicity, and even cancer – we don’t want that.  

Organic skincare is not only good for you but also the planet because organic products use naturally grown ingredients that are free from toxic pesticides and fertilizers, they don’t leave a harmful footprint on your skin, the planet, particularly the soil, water, and air. 

In addition when you buy organic Skincare products, such as Rei-Nude you are buying cruelty-free skincare products and supporting the move towards abolishing animal testing in the industry. Invest in your health today and make the change to organic skincare products if you haven’t already done so.

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