How to Safely Get Rid of an Ingrown Hair

How to Safely Get Rid of an Ingrown Hair

Thankfully, most ingrown hairs tend to work themselves out over time. That’s why it’s really best to keep your hands (and razor) off of it until it heals. Avoid squeezing, scraping, or digging for it and let nature run its course.

That doesn’t mean you have to just suffer in silence, though. If you feel like you need to do something, there are a few ways to help move things along:

Apply a warm compress. Do this for a few minutes multiple times a day to help soften your skin and calm down inflammation. It may also help the hair work its way out a little faster.

Lift the hair with a needle. If you already see a hair loop sticking out (again, no digging for it), you can use a sewing needle to help remove it. First, sterilize the needle with rubbing alcohol or put it in boiling water—just let it cool before you use it. Then, slide the needle below the loop to gently lift the edge of the hair that’s growing back into the skin.

Gently exfoliate. You can use a clean, warm washcloth and gently rub over the area to exfoliate and encourage the hair to emerge. You can also try applying a gentle exfoliating sugar scrub that contains ingrown fighting ingredients, like the Rei-Freshed Exfoliating Scrub.

If the spot is still tender or inflamed after a few days or shows any signs of infection—like increasing pain, warmth in the area, or oozing— it’s really time to rope in your dermatologist, who can figure out the best removal method depending on the area the ingrown hair has formed.

We hope this helps and are happy to answer any further questions you may have! Send us an email at or subscribe to our news letter to learn more! 

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